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Sunday Morning Assembly Times

9 AM for Bible study and 10 AM for preaching and the Lord's supper.

Sunday Evening Assembly Times

We assemble on Sunday evenings at 5:00 for worship. We will be meeting at 3pm on Feb. 25th[...]

Wednesday Evening Assembly Times

We meet for Bible study at 7 pm each Wednesday.

  1. Details Play The One True Church
    John Edwards Gospel Meeting, June 21, 2024
  2. Details Play Was Saul Saved When He Fell Off HIs Horse?
    John Edwards Gospel Meeting, June 20, 2024
  3. Details Play The House by the Lord
    John Edwards Gospel Meeting, June 19, 2024
  4. Details Play Why All the Confusion About the Holy Spirit?
    John Edwards Gospel Meeting, June 18, 2024
  5. Details Play Why We Don't Use Musical Instruments
    John Edwards Gospel Meeting, June 17, 2024
Worship Times & Directions